Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

We Komodo and Blind Nationalism

Amid the lack of good news, the news about dragons entered as one nominee 7 Wonders of the New World by the New 7 (Seven) Wonders of Nature would make happy. At least, there will be one more wealth Indonesia who received international recognition.
So, flock bondonglah various public figures calling for the nation Indonesia shows his nationalism by supporting the Komodo dragon. The trick? By sending SMS to 9818. Initially, SMS support is worth Rp 1000, now, to promote support, SMS was only charged $ 1.
Supporting this campaign is not playing. Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla to become the ambassador's official award of the island of Komodo. From the West Manggarai Parliament, the nine justices of the Constitutional Court, Parliament, the various mass media leaders and national entrepreneurs, celebrities such Fadli 'Paddy' and RAN, Slank, even the President was calling for support.
Cooperation with four telecommunications providers have been undertaken in order to launch the selection via SMS. So menggilanya number of submissions to win the island of Komodo SMS, Mobilink SMS service provider was to increase its server capacity. Certainly, before the end of the election on 11 November, the support will increase.
Jusuf Kalla estimates, the island of Komodo requires 30 million votes to win. Well, how much support Komodo obtained up to now? Support winning Komodo Chairman, environmental activists claimed Emmy Hafild currently supporting Komodo has reached tens of millions, although not mentioned details of exactly how many voters who support the dragons.
The reason, "Regulation of the organizing committee of The 7 Wonders prohibit participants gave details of voters for this competition is not using the award-winners of one, two and three," Clearly Emmy Hafild told reporters.
Maldives including one of the countries included in the New World 7 Wonders of the nominee is, but then decided to resign. The reason? As noted in the official website of marketing and public relations of the Maldives, that the organizers are not transparent in explaining how they calculate support.
That's just one reason. The other is the unexpected costs that continue to increase. They call must pay the platinum sponsor of $ 350 thousand; two cost sponsorship gold with a total of $ 420 thousand, is sponsoring the world tour with a visit of the delegation, provide trip air balloon, flight, accommodation, visiting journalists; cost $ 1 million dollars for phone service providers to participate in New7Wonders campaign, and $ 1 million more to the Maldives airlines could put the logo New7Wonders on their planes.
These costs are very large only for the sake of a predicate 'magic'. Yet during this komodo reputation as a tourist destination has also been recognized the world.
In addition, it would not cost millions of dollars could be better used for a tourism campaign planned Indonesia (sort Malaysia Truly Asia with his or Thailand Amazing Thailand through its) than to pay licensing fees to a company that does not clear his reputation?
To remember again, that the institutions that hold New7Wonders competition was not connected with UNESCO institutions under the United Nations.
UNESCO had already set the Komodo National Park as a World Heritage Site in 1986.
In fact, UNESCO to issue a separate statement to affirm that what they do with the establishment of World Heritage Sites are very different from what is done by New7Wonders (The official statement from UNESCO can be read here).
Since 2007, UNESCO declared that they had repeatedly invited to cooperate by Bernard Weber's organization, but they chose not to participate. UN agencies typically use diplomatic languages.
So when UNESCO says, "nothing can be compared between the media campaign conducted by Mr. Weber's scientific work and educational process that we do at UNESCO so as to produce a list of World Heritage sites," it means they're giving a stern warning to the workings of the institution this.
Then, why do we still insist on winning the dragons in the competition that is not clear how this penjuriannya? What if we win anything, we still have to pay high costs to achieve international acclaim?
Hauskah so we will be international recognition of the institution whose reputation was not clear? What do you think makes a variety of public figures as if blinded to the facts available and blindly supporting the Komodo dragon?
We want to hear your feedback via the comments forum below.

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